A wrapper used to resize the element. Is used on for example the default image block WordPress provides.
size={ {
height: props.attributes.height,
width: props.attributes.width,
} }
showPx: true,
fadeTimeout: 1000,
enable={ {
top: false,
right: true,
bottom: true,
left: false,
topRight: false,
bottomRight: true,
bottomLeft: false,
topLeft: false,
} }
onResizeStop={ ( event, direction, elt, delta ) => {
props.setAttributes( {
height: parseInt( props.attributes.height + delta.height, 10 ),
width: parseInt( props.attributes.width + delta.width, 10 ),
} );
console.log("stops resizing")
} }
onResizeStart={ () => {
console.log("starts resizing")
} }
Has handy props as: “__experimentalShowTooltip”, “minHeight”, “minWidth”, “enable” (the directions the user can resize the element, “onResizeStop”, “onResizeStart” and “size” (which defines the current size).